Mise à plat du terrain orienté Sud /Sud Est
Tracé des buttes. Réalisation de tranchées et enfouissement de troncs d'arbre en décomposition
Mise en place de broyat de jeunes branches de frêne , d'une couche d'orties et de consoude coupées, d'une couche de tonte de pelouse, et recouvrement de terre (issue des tranchées)
Mise en place du terreau issu de vieux fumier de nos chevaux.
Paillage des buttes
Part used: Sheet
Properties: Astringent, Vulnerable, Softening, Healing, Antiseptic, Hemostatic, Analgesic
Part used: Fruit
Properties: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic
Part used: Flower
Properties: Vulnerable, tonic, astringent, healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory
Part used: Flower
Properties: resorbs bruises, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vulnerary, emollient
Part used: Flower and leaf
Properties: Healing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, anti-fungal, relaxing
Part used: Flower and leaf
Properties: Tonifies the blood vessels, emollient, skin drainer, antiseptic, antihistamine, healing, emollient, regenerating
Part used: Sheet
Properties: Draining, detoxifying, antibacterial, anti-venomous, tonic, invigorating
Part used: Flower
Properties: Astringent, haemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic, vulnerary
Part used: Sheet
Properties: Regenerating (swelling, bruising), healing, astringent, emollient
Part used: Flower
Properties: Calming, softening, anti-inflammatory, soothing for eye conditions (styes, conjunctivitis, irritations, eyestrain ...)
Part used: Flower
Properties: Antiseptic, healing, softening, moisturizing, calming, regenerating, antioxidant, antibacterial
Part used: Flower
Properties: softener; emollient, antioxidant, anti-oxidant, soothing, regenerating, protects and moisturizes mature skin
Part used: Flower
Properties: Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, remineralizing, calming, regenerating, healing, relaxing
Part used: Flower
Properties: Healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiparasitic, relaxing
Séchage des fleurs
Macération huileuse de bleuets
Macération huileuse de calendulas
Macération huileuse de mauves
Séchoir solaire